Herhangi bir yerinde "ḢN" geçen ifadeler tarandı:
# "-N" takısı olmadan "Ḣ" ifadesini tara (1:1).

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ث خ ن|S̃ḢNأثخنتموهمÊS̃ḢNTMVHMeṧḣantumūhumonları iyice vurup sindirdiğinizyou have subdued them,1x
ث خ ن|S̃ḢN أثخنتموهم ÊS̃ḢNTMVHM eṧḣantumūhum onları iyice vurup sindirdiğiniz you have subdued them, 47:4
خ و ن|ḢVNأخنهÊḢNHeḣunhukendisine hainlik etmediğimi[I] betray him1x
خ و ن|ḢVN أخنه ÊḢNH eḣunhu kendisine hainlik etmediğimi [I] betray him 12:52
خ ن س|ḢNSالخناسELḢNESl-ḣannāsisinsithe one who withdraws,1x
خ ن س|ḢNS الخناس ELḢNES l-ḣannāsi sinsi the one who withdraws, 114:4
خ ن ز ر|ḢNZRالخنزيرELḢNZYRl-ḣinzīridomuz(of) swine,3x
خ ن ز ر|ḢNZR الخنزير ELḢNZYR l-ḣinzīri domuz (of) swine, 2:173
خ ن ز ر|ḢNZR الخنزير ELḢNZYR l-ḣinzīri domuz (of) the swine, 5:3
خ ن ز ر|ḢNZR الخنزير ELḢNZYR l-ḣinzīri domuz (of) the swine, 16:115
خ ن س|ḢNSبالخنسBELḢNSbil-ḣunnesigeri kalıp gizlenenlereby the retreating planets,1x
خ ن س|ḢNS بالخنس BELḢNS bil-ḣunnesi geri kalıp gizlenenlere by the retreating planets, 81:15
خ ن ز ر|ḢNZRخنزيرḢNZYRḣinzīrindomuz(of) swine -1x
خ ن ز ر|ḢNZR خنزير ḢNZYR ḣinzīrin domuz (of) swine - 6:145
ن ف خ|NFḢفنفخناFNFḢNEfenefeḣnābiz de üflemiştikso We breathed2x
ن ف خ|NFḢ فنفخنا FNFḢNE fenefeḣnā ve üflemiştik so We breathed 21:91
ن ف خ|NFḢ فنفخنا FNFḢNE fenefeḣnā biz de üflemiştik so We breathed 66:12
م س خ|MSḢلمسخناهمLMSḢNEHMlemeseḣnāhumdeğiştirip dondururduksurely, We (would have) transformed them1x
م س خ|MSḢ لمسخناهم LMSḢNEHM lemeseḣnāhum değiştirip dondururduk surely, We (would have) transformed them 36:67
خ ن ز ر|ḢNZRوالخنازيرVELḢNEZYRvelḣanāzīrave domuzlarand [the] swines,1x
خ ن ز ر|ḢNZR والخنازير VELḢNEZYR velḣanāzīra ve domuzlar and [the] swines, 5:60
خ ن ق|ḢNGوالمنخنقةVELMNḢNGTvelmunḣaniḳatuve boğulmuşand that which is strangled (to death),1x
خ ن ق|ḢNG والمنخنقة VELMNḢNGT velmunḣaniḳatu ve boğulmuş and that which is strangled (to death), 5:3
ث خ ن|S̃ḢNيثخنYS̃ḢNyuṧḣineağır basıncayahe has battled strenuously1x
ث خ ن|S̃ḢN يثخن YS̃ḢN yuṧḣine ağır basıncaya he has battled strenuously 8:67

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