"geldikten" ifadesi tarandı:
# İçinde "geldikten" ifadesinin geçtiği tüm kelimeleri tara (1:x).

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ج ي ا|CYEجاءتهCEÙTHcā'ethugeldiktenit (has) come to him -1x
ج ي ا|CYE جاءته CEÙTH cā'ethu geldikten it (has) come to him - 2:211
ج ي ا|CYEجاءهمCEÙHMcā'ehumugeldiktencame to them1x
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi came to them 2:89
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelince came to them 2:89
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldiyse came to them 2:101
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu geldikten came to them 3:19
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldikten came to them - 3:105
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelse comes to them 4:83
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara getirdiyse came to them 5:70
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine geldi it came to them, 6:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine geldiği came to them 6:43
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldiği came to them 7:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu onlara gelince came to them 10:76
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine gelinceye came to them 10:93
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi then came to them 12:110
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi came to them 16:113
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldiği came to them 17:94
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum (Musa) onlara geldiği he came to them, 17:101
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldiği has come to them 18:55
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi (mi)? has come to them 23:68
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum o kendilerine getirdi he brought them 23:70
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelse comes to them 26:206
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelince came to them 28:36
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu onlara gelince came to them 28:48
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi came to them 29:39
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelen it came to them, 34:43
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelirse came to them 35:42
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum gelince came to them 35:42
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelmesine has come to them 38:4
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelince he brought to them 40:25
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelen it comes to them. 41:41
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldikten came to them 42:14
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine gelinceye came to them 43:29
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu onlara gelince came to them 43:30
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelince he came to them 43:47
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelmişti had come to them 44:13
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldikten came to them 45:17
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelen it comes to them, 46:7
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum gelmesine has come to them 50:2
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelince it came (to) them, 50:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelmiştir has come to them 53:23
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi has come to them 54:4
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldiği he came to them 61:6

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