Herhangi bir yerinde "CEÙH" geçen ifadeler tarandı:
# "-H" takısı olmadan "CEÙ" ifadesini tara (1:1). {H: ona, onun}

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ر ج و|RCVأرجائهاÊRCEÙHEercāihāonun kenarlarındadırits edges,1x
ر ج و|RCV أرجائها ÊRCEÙHE ercāihā onun kenarlarındadır its edges, 69:17
ج ي ا|CYEجاءهCEÙHcā'ehu(Musa) ona gelincecame to him7x
ج ي ا|CYE جاءه CEÙH cā'ehu gelir de comes to him 2:275
ج ي ا|CYE جاءه CEÙH cā'ehu gelince (Yusuf'a) came to him 12:50
ج ي ا|CYE جاءه CEÙH cā'ehu yanına gelince he comes to it, 24:39
ج ي ا|CYE جاءه CEÙH cā'ehu (Musa) ona gelince he came to him 28:25
ج ي ا|CYE جاءه CEÙH cā'ehu kendisine gelen it has come to him. 29:68
ج ي ا|CYE جاءه CEÙH cā'ehu kendisine geldiği it comes to him? 39:32
ج ي ا|CYE جاءه CEÙH cā'ehu ona geldi came to him 80:2
ج ي ا|CYEجاءهاCEÙHEcā'ehāgeldiğicame to it2x
ج ي ا|CYE جاءها CEÙHE cā'ehā oraya geldi he came to it, 27:8
ج ي ا|CYE جاءها CEÙHE cā'ehā geldiği came to it 36:13
ج ي ا|CYEجاءهمCEÙHMcā'ehum(Musa) onlara geldiğicame to them41x
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi came to them 2:89
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelince came to them 2:89
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldiyse came to them 2:101
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu geldikten came to them 3:19
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldikten came to them - 3:105
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelse comes to them 4:83
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara getirdiyse came to them 5:70
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine geldi it came to them, 6:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine geldiği came to them 6:43
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldiği came to them 7:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu onlara gelince came to them 10:76
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine gelinceye came to them 10:93
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi then came to them 12:110
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi came to them 16:113
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldiği came to them 17:94
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum (Musa) onlara geldiği he came to them, 17:101
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldiği has come to them 18:55
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi (mi)? has come to them 23:68
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum o kendilerine getirdi he brought them 23:70
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelse comes to them 26:206
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelince came to them 28:36
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu onlara gelince came to them 28:48
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi came to them 29:39
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelen it came to them, 34:43
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelirse came to them 35:42
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum gelince came to them 35:42
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelmesine has come to them 38:4
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelince he brought to them 40:25
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelen it comes to them. 41:41
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldikten came to them 42:14
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine gelinceye came to them 43:29
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu onlara gelince came to them 43:30
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelince he came to them 43:47
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelmişti had come to them 44:13
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldikten came to them 45:17
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelen it comes to them, 46:7
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum gelmesine has come to them 50:2
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelince it came (to) them, 50:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelmiştir has come to them 53:23
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi has come to them 54:4
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldiği he came to them 61:6
ج ي ا|CYEفأجاءهاFÊCEÙHEfeecā'ehāve onu getirdiThen drove her1x
ج ي ا|CYE فأجاءها FÊCEÙHE feecā'ehā ve onu getirdi Then drove her 19:23
ج ي ا|CYEفجاءهاFCEÙHEfe cā'ehāonlara geliverdiand came to it1x
ج ي ا|CYE فجاءها FCEÙHE fe cā'ehā onlara geliverdi and came to it 7:4
ج ي ا|CYEلجاءهمLCEÙHMlecā'ehumuonlara hemen gelirdisurely (would) have come to them1x
ج ي ا|CYE لجاءهم LCEÙHM lecā'ehumu onlara hemen gelirdi surely (would) have come to them 29:53
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءهVCEÙHve cā'ehuve geldiAnd came (to) him1x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءه VCEÙH ve cā'ehu ve geldi And came (to) him 11:78
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءهمVCEÙHMve cā'ehumuve geldiğindeand came to them3x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءهم VCEÙHM ve cā'ehumu ve kendilerine geldikten and came to them 3:86
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءهم VCEÙHM ve cā'ehumu ve geldiğinde and comes to them 10:22
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءهم VCEÙHM ve cā'ehum ve onlara geldi and came to them 44:17

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