Herhangi bir yerinde "LŦ" geçen ifadeler tarandı:
# "L-" öntakısı olmadan "Ŧ" ifadesini tara (1:1). {L: elbette, -e/-a, için}

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
خ ل ط|ḢLŦاختلطEḢTLŦḣteleTakarışanlar(is) joined1x
خ ل ط|ḢLŦ اختلط EḢTLŦ ḣteleTa karışanlar (is) joined 6:146
خ ل ط|ḢLŦالخلطاءELḢLŦEÙl-ḣuleTā'ikarıştıran(ortak)larınthe partners1x
خ ل ط|ḢLŦ الخلطاء ELḢLŦEÙ l-ḣuleTā'i karıştıran(ortak)ların the partners 38:24
ط و ف|ŦVFالطائفتينELŦEÙFTYNT-Tāifeteyniiki topluluktan(of) the two groups -1x
ط و ف|ŦVF الطائفتين ELŦEÙFTYN T-Tāifeteyni iki topluluktan (of) the two groups - 8:7
ط ر ق|ŦRGالطارقELŦERGT-Tāriḳutarıkthe night comer (is)?1x
ط ر ق|ŦRG الطارق ELŦERG T-Tāriḳu tarık the night comer (is)? 86:2
ط غ ي|ŦĞYالطاغوتELŦEĞVTT-TTāğūtutağut"the false deities."""6x
ط غ ي|ŦĞY الطاغوت ELŦEĞVT T-TTāğūtu tağuttur (are) the evil ones, 2:257
ط غ ي|ŦĞY الطاغوت ELŦEĞVT T-Tāğūti tağuta the false deities 4:60
ط غ ي|ŦĞY الطاغوت ELŦEĞVT T-Tāğūti tağut (of) the false deities. 4:76
ط غ ي|ŦĞY الطاغوت ELŦEĞVT T-Tāğūte Tâğût'a the false deities. 5:60
ط غ ي|ŦĞY الطاغوت ELŦEĞVT T-Tāğūte tagutdan "the false deities.""" 16:36
ط غ ي|ŦĞY الطاغوت ELŦEĞVT T-Tāğūte Tağut'a the false gods 39:17
ط ل ب|ŦLBالطالبELŦELBT-Tālibuisteyen de(are) the seeker1x
ط ل ب|ŦLB الطالب ELŦELB T-Tālibu isteyen de (are) the seeker 22:73
ط م م|ŦMMالطامةELŦEMTT-Tāmmetuherşeyi bastıran o felaketthe Overwhelming Calamity1x
ط م م|ŦMM الطامة ELŦEMT T-Tāmmetu herşeyi bastıran o felaket the Overwhelming Calamity 79:34
ط ر ف|ŦRFالطرفELŦRFT-Tarfibakışlarını(will be) companions of modest gaze3x
ط ر ف|ŦRF الطرف ELŦRF T-Tarfi bakışlarıyla (will be) companions of modest gaze 37:48
ط ر ف|ŦRF الطرف ELŦRF T-Tarfi bakışlarını (will be) companions of modest gaze 38:52
ط ر ف|ŦRF الطرف ELŦRF T-Tarfi bakışlarını (will be) companions of modest gaze 55:56
ط ر ق|ŦRGالطريقةELŦRYGTT-Tarīḳatiyoldathe Way,1x
ط ر ق|ŦRG الطريقة ELŦRYGT T-Tarīḳati yolda the Way, 72:16
ط ع م|ŦAMالطعامELŦAEMT-Taǎāmiyemeğifood6x
ط ع م|ŦAM الطعام ELŦAEM T-Taǎāmi yiyecekler [the] food 3:93
ط ع م|ŦAM الطعام ELŦAEM T-Taǎāme yemek [the] food. 5:75
ط ع م|ŦAM الطعام ELŦAEM T-Taǎāme yemek the food, 21:8
ط ع م|ŦAM الطعام ELŦAEM T-Taǎāme yemek [the] food 25:7
ط ع م|ŦAM الطعام ELŦAEM T-Taǎāme yemek food 25:20
ط ع م|ŦAM الطعام ELŦAEM T-Taǎāme yemeği the food 76:8
ط ف ل|ŦFLالطفلELŦFLT-Tifliçocuklara[the] children1x
ط ف ل|ŦFL الطفل ELŦFL T-Tifli çocuklara [the] children 24:31
ط ل ق|ŦLGالطلاقELŦLEGT-Talāḳaboşama(on) [the] divorce -2x
ط ل ق|ŦLG الطلاق ELŦLEG T-Talāḳa boşamaya (on) [the] divorce - 2:227
ط ل ق|ŦLG الطلاق ELŦLEG ET-Talāḳu boşama The divorce 2:229
ط و ر|ŦVRالطورELŦVRT-Tūradağı(of) Mount Tur7x
ط و ر|ŦVR الطور ELŦVR T-Tūra dağı the mount, 2:63
ط و ر|ŦVR الطور ELŦVR T-Tūra Tur(dağın)ı the mount, 2:93
ط و ر|ŦVR الطور ELŦVR T-Tūra Tur'u the mount 4:154
ط و ر|ŦVR الطور ELŦVR T-Tūri Tur'un (of) the Mount 19:52
ط و ر|ŦVR الطور ELŦVR T-Tūri Tur'un (of) the Mount 20:80
ط و ر|ŦVR الطور ELŦVR T-Tūri Tur'un (of) Mount Tur 28:29
ط و ر|ŦVR الطور ELŦVR T-Tūri Tur'un (of) the Tur 28:46
ط و ف|ŦVFالطوفانELŦVFENT-Tūfānetufanthe flood2x
ط و ف|ŦVF الطوفان ELŦVFEN T-Tūfāne tufan the flood 7:133
ط و ف|ŦVF الطوفان ELŦVFEN T-Tūfānu Tufan the flood, 29:14
ط و ل|ŦVLالطولELŦVLT-Tavlilutuf(of) wealth2x
ط و ل|ŦVL الطول ELŦVL T-Tavli servet (of) wealth 9:86
ط و ل|ŦVL الطول ELŦVL T-Tavli lutuf Owner (of) the abundance. 40:3
ط ي ب|ŦYBالطيبELŦYBT-Tayyibigüzelgood,5x
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيب ELŦYB T-Tayyibi temiz- the good. 3:179
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيب ELŦYB T-Tayyibu güzel olan [the] pure, 7:58
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيب ELŦYB T-Tayyibi temizden the good, 8:37
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيب ELŦYB T-Tayyibi güzeline the good 22:24
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيب ELŦYB T-Tayyibu güzel good, 35:10
ط ي ب|ŦYBالطيباتELŦYBETT-Tayyibātugüzel rızıklarla"the good things;"10x
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibātu iyi ve temiz şeyler the good things 5:4
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibātu iyi ve temiz şeyler "the good things;" 5:5
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibāti güzel şeyleri the pure things 7:157
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibāti güzel şeylerle the good things 8:26
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibāti temiz şeylerle the good things, 10:93
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibāti güzel rızıklarla the good things. 16:72
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibāti güzel rızıklarla the good things 17:70
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibāti güzel şeyler- the good things 23:51
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibāti güzel rızıklarla the good things. 40:64
ط ي ب|ŦYB الطيبات ELŦYBET T-Tayyibāti güzel rızıklarla the good things 45:16
ط ي ر|ŦYRالطيرELŦYRT-Tayrikuş(of) the bird10x
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayri kuşlar- the birds 2:260
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayri kuş (of) the bird, 3:49
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayri kuş (of) the bird 5:110
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayru kuşlar the birds 12:36
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayru kuşlar the birds 12:41
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayri kuşlara the birds 16:79
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayru kuş the birds, 22:31
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayri kuşların (of) the birds, 27:16
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayra kuşları the birds 27:20
ط ي ر|ŦYR الطير ELŦYR T-Tayri uçan kuşları the birds 67:19
ط ي ن|ŦYNالطينELŦYNT-Tīniçamur-the clay3x
ط ي ن|ŦYN الطين ELŦYN T-Tīni çamur- [the] clay 3:49
ط ي ن|ŦYN الطين ELŦYN T-Tīni çamur- the clay 5:110
ط ي ن|ŦYN الطين ELŦYN T-Tīni çamurun the clay 28:38
ل ط ف|LŦFاللطيفELLŦYFl-leTīfulatiftir(is) the Subtle,2x
ل ط ف|LŦF اللطيف ELLŦYF l-leTīfu latiftir the All-Subtle, 6:103
ل ط ف|LŦF اللطيف ELLŦYF l-leTīfu latiftir (is) the Subtle, 67:14
ط غ ي|ŦĞYبالطاغوتBELŦEĞVTbiT-Tāğūtitağut (şeytan)ıin false deities1x
ط غ ي|ŦĞY بالطاغوت BELŦEĞVT biT-Tāğūti tağut (şeytan)ı in false deities 2:256
ط غ ي|ŦĞYبالطاغيةBELŦEĞYTbiT-Tāğiyetiazgın bir vak'a ileby the overpowering (blast).1x
ط غ ي|ŦĞY بالطاغية BELŦEĞYT biT-Tāğiyeti azgın bir vak'a ile by the overpowering (blast). 69:5
ط ي ب|ŦYBبالطيبBELŦYBbiT-Tayyibitemiz olanlawith the good,1x
ط ي ب|ŦYB بالطيب BELŦYB biT-Tayyibi temiz olanla with the good, 4:2
س ل ط|SLŦبسلطانBSLŦENbisulTāninbir delila reason8x
س ل ط|SLŦ بسلطان BSLŦEN bisulTānin bir delil an authority 14:10
س ل ط|SLŦ بسلطان BSLŦEN bisulTānin bir delil an authority 14:11
س ل ط|SLŦ بسلطان BSLŦEN bisulTānin bir delil with an authority 18:15
س ل ط|SLŦ بسلطان BSLŦEN bisulTānin bir delil a reason 27:21
س ل ط|SLŦ بسلطان BSLŦEN bisulTānin bir delil with an authority 44:19
س ل ط|SLŦ بسلطان BSLŦEN bisulTānin bir delil ile with an authority 51:38
س ل ط|SLŦ بسلطان BSLŦEN bisulTānin bir delil an authority 52:38
س ل ط|SLŦ بسلطان BSLŦEN bisulTānin kudretle by authority. 55:33
خ ل ط|ḢLŦتخالطوهمTḢELŦVHMtuḣāliTūhumonlara karışırsanızyou associate with them1x
خ ل ط|ḢLŦ تخالطوهم TḢELŦVHM tuḣāliTūhum onlara karışırsanız you associate with them 2:220
خ ل ط|ḢLŦخلطواḢLŦVEḣaleTūbirbirine karıştırdılarThey had mixed1x
خ ل ط|ḢLŦ خلطوا ḢLŦVE ḣaleTū birbirine karıştırdılar They had mixed 9:102
س ل ط|SLŦسلطانSLŦENsulTānin(hiçbir) delil(is) any authority13x
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānin delil authority? 7:71
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānin deliliniz authority 10:68
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānin delil authority. 12:40
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānin bir güc(üm) authority 14:22
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānun bir gücün any authority, 15:42
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānun bir gücü (is) any authority 16:99
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānun bir gücün any authority. 17:65
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānin zorlayıcı bir gücü authority 34:21
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānin gücümüz authority. 37:30
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānun bir deliliniz- an authority 37:156
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānin bir delil any authority 40:35
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānin (hiçbir) delil any authority 40:56
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطان SLŦEN sulTānin güç authority. 53:23
س ل ط|SLŦسلطاناSLŦENEsulTānenbir delilan authority11x
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen hiçbir güç any authority, 3:151
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen bir yetki an authority 4:91
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen bir delil an evidence 4:144
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen bir yetki an authority 4:153
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen hiçbir delil any authority. 6:81
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen hiçbir delil any authority, 7:33
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen bir yetki an authority, 17:33
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen bir güç an authority 17:80
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen hiçbir delil any authority, 22:71
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen bir yetki an authority, 28:35
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانا SLŦENE sulTānen bir delil an authority 30:35
س ل ط|SLŦسلطانهSLŦENHsulTānuhuonun gücühis authority1x
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانه SLŦENH sulTānuhu onun gücü his authority 16:100
س ل ط|SLŦسلطانيهSLŦENYHsulTāniyehgücüm (saltanatım)"my authority."""1x
س ل ط|SLŦ سلطانيه SLŦENYH sulTāniyeh gücüm (saltanatım) "my authority.""" 69:29
خ ل ط|ḢLŦفاختلطFEḢTLŦfeḣteleTabirbirine karıştığıso absorbs2x
خ ل ط|ḢLŦ فاختلط FEḢTLŦ feḣteleTa birbirine karıştığı so absorbs 10:24
خ ل ط|ḢLŦ فاختلط FEḢTLŦ feḣteleTa karıştı then mingles 18:45
ط و د|ŦVD̃كالطودKELŦVD̃kāTTavdibir dağ gibilike the mountain1x
ط و د|ŦVD̃ كالطود KELŦVD̃ kāTTavdi bir dağ gibi like the mountain 26:63
س ل ط|SLŦلسلطهمLSLŦHMleselleTahumonları salardısurely He (would have) given them power1x
س ل ط|SLŦ لسلطهم LSLŦHM leselleTahum onları salardı surely He (would have) given them power 4:90
ط م س|ŦMSلطمسناLŦMSNEleTamesnāsilerdikWe (would have) surely obliterated1x
ط م س|ŦMS لطمسنا LŦMSNE leTamesnā silerdik We (would have) surely obliterated 36:66
ل ط ف|LŦFلطيفLŦYFleTīfunçok ince düzenler(is) All-Subtle,4x
ل ط ف|LŦF لطيف LŦYF leTīfun çok ince düzenler (is) Most Subtle 12:100
ل ط ف|LŦF لطيف LŦYF leTīfun latiftir (is) surely Subtle, 22:63
ل ط ف|LŦF لطيف LŦYF leTīfun latiftir (is) All-Subtle, 31:16
ل ط ف|LŦF لطيف LŦYF leTīfun lutufkardır (is) Subtle 42:19
ل ط ف|LŦFلطيفاLŦYFEleTīfenlatiftirAll-Subtle,1x
ل ط ف|LŦF لطيفا LŦYFE leTīfen latiftir All-Subtle, 33:34
ط و ف|ŦVFللطائفينLLŦEÙFYNliTTāifīnetavaf edenler içinfor those who circumambulate2x
ط و ف|ŦVF للطائفين LLŦEÙFYN liTTāifīne tavaf edenler için for those who circumambulate 2:125
ط و ف|ŦVF للطائفين LLŦEÙFYN liTTāifīne tayfa/tavaf edenler için for those who circumambulate 22:26
ط غ ي|ŦĞYللطاغينLLŦEĞYNliTTāğīneazgınlara vardırfor the transgressors2x
ط غ ي|ŦĞY للطاغين LLŦEĞYN liTTāğīne azgınlara vardır for the transgressors 38:55
ط غ ي|ŦĞY للطاغين LLŦEĞYN liTTāğīne azgınların For the transgressors 78:22
ط ي ب|ŦYBللطيباتLLŦYBETliTTayyibātiiyi kadınlara(are) for good women.1x
ط ي ب|ŦYB للطيبات LLŦYBET liTTayyibāti iyi kadınlara (are) for good women. 24:26
ط ي ب|ŦYBللطيبينLLŦYBYNliTTayyibīneiyi erkeklere(are) for good men1x
ط ي ب|ŦYB للطيبين LLŦYBYN liTTayyibīne iyi erkeklere (are) for good men 24:26
ط ر ق|ŦRGوالطارقVELŦERGve TTāriḳive tarık'aand the night comer,1x
ط ر ق|ŦRG والطارق VELŦERG ve TTāriḳi ve tarık'a and the night comer, 86:1
ط غ ي|ŦĞYوالطاغوتVELŦEĞVTve TTāğūtive tağut'aand the false deities,1x
ط غ ي|ŦĞY والطاغوت VELŦEĞVT ve TTāğūti ve tağut'a and the false deities, 4:51
ط و ر|ŦVRوالطورVELŦVRveTTūriandolsun Tur'aBy the Mount,1x
ط و ر|ŦVR والطور VELŦVR veTTūri andolsun Tur'a By the Mount, 52:1
ط ي ب|ŦYBوالطيبVELŦYBve TTayyibutemizand the good1x
ط ي ب|ŦYB والطيب VELŦYB ve TTayyibu temiz and the good 5:100
ط ي ب|ŦYBوالطيباتVELŦYBETve TTayyibātiiyi kadınlarAnd good women2x
ط ي ب|ŦYB والطيبات VELŦYBET ve TTayyibāti ve güzel and the pure things 7:32
ط ي ب|ŦYB والطيبات VELŦYBET ve TTayyibātu iyi kadınlar And good women 24:26
ط ي ب|ŦYBوالطيبونVELŦYBVNve TTayyibūneiyi erkeklerand good men1x
ط ي ب|ŦYB والطيبون VELŦYBVN ve TTayyibūne iyi erkekler and good men 24:26
ط ي ر|ŦYRوالطيرVELŦYRve TTayrave (ey) kuşlar"and the birds."""5x
ط ي ر|ŦYR والطير VELŦYR ve TTayra ve kuşları and the birds. 21:79
ط ي ر|ŦYR والطير VELŦYR ve TTayru ve -uçanlar and the birds 24:41
ط ي ر|ŦYR والطير VELŦYR ve TTayri ve kuşlar(dan) and the birds, 27:17
ط ي ر|ŦYR والطير VELŦYR ve TTayra ve (ey) kuşlar "and the birds.""" 34:10
ط ي ر|ŦYR والطير VELŦYR ve TTayra ve kuşlar And the birds 38:19
س ل ط|SLŦوسلطانVSLŦENve sulTāninve bir belgeyleand an authority3x
س ل ط|SLŦ وسلطان VSLŦEN ve sulTānin ve bir belgeyle and an authority 11:96
س ل ط|SLŦ وسلطان VSLŦEN ve sulTānin ve bir delille and an authority 23:45
س ل ط|SLŦ وسلطان VSLŦEN ve sulTānin ve bir yetki ile and an authority 40:23
ل ط ف|LŦFوليتلطفVLYTLŦFvelyeteleTTafve dikkatli davransınand let him be cautious.1x
ل ط ف|LŦF وليتلطف VLYTLŦF velyeteleTTaf ve dikkatli davransın and let him be cautious. 18:19
س ل ط|SLŦيسلطYSLŦyuselliTumusallat edergives power1x
س ل ط|SLŦ يسلط YSLŦ yuselliTu musallat eder gives power 59:6

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