Herhangi bir yerinde "AZ" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

# "AZ" Kök Harflerini MÜFREDAT'ta ara!
Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BأعذبهÊAZ̃BHuǎƶƶibuhuazab etmediğimI have punished2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B أعذبه ÊAZ̃BH uǎƶƶibuhu ona azab ederim [I] will punish him 5:115
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B أعذبه ÊAZ̃BH uǎƶƶibuhu azab etmediğim I have punished 5:115
ع ز ز|AZZأعزÊAZeǎzzudaha mı üstündürmightier1x
ع ز ز|AZZ أعز ÊAZ eǎzzu daha mı üstündür mightier 11:92
ع ز ز|AZZأعزةÊAZTeǐzzetinonurlu ve şiddetlidirler(and) stern2x
ع ز ز|AZZ أعزة ÊAZT eǐzzetin onurlu ve şiddetlidirler (and) stern 5:54
ع ز ز|AZZ أعزة ÊAZT eǐzzete şereflilerini (the) most honorable 27:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BأفبعذابناÊFBAZ̃EBNEefebiǎƶābinābizim azabımızı mı?So is it for Our punishment2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B أفبعذابنا ÊFBAZ̃EBNE efebiǎƶābinā bizim azabımızı mı? So is it for Our punishment 26:204
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B أفبعذابنا ÊFBAZ̃EBNE efebiǎƶābinā bizim azabımızı mı? Then is (it) for Our punishment 37:176
ع ز ل|AZLاعتزلتموهمEATZLTMVHMǎ'tezeltumūhumsiz onlardan ayrıldınızyou withdraw from them1x
ع ز ل|AZL اعتزلتموهم EATZLTMVHM ǎ'tezeltumūhum siz onlardan ayrıldınız you withdraw from them 18:16
ع ز ل|AZLاعتزلهمEATZLHMǎ'tezelehumonlardan ayrıldıhe left them1x
ع ز ل|AZL اعتزلهم EATZLHM ǎ'tezelehum onlardan ayrıldı he left them 19:49
ع ز ل|AZLاعتزلوكمEATZLVKMǎ'tezelūkumonlar sizden uzak dururlarthey withdraw from you1x
ع ز ل|AZL اعتزلوكم EATZLVKM ǎ'tezelūkum onlar sizden uzak dururlar they withdraw from you 4:90
ع ز ز|AZZالأعزELÊAZl-eǎzzuüstün olanthe more honorable1x
ع ز ز|AZZ الأعز ELÊAZ l-eǎzzu üstün olan the more honorable 63:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BالعذابELAZ̃EBl-ǎƶābiazab"punishment."""85x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın torment, 2:49
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın punishment? 2:85
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 2:86
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- the punishment 2:96
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 2:162
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 2:165
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı (in) [the] punishment. 2:165
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment, 2:166
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 3:88
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 3:106
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- "the punishment;" 3:188
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi yapılan işkencenin the punishment. 4:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment. 4:56
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab the punishment 5:80
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 6:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 6:49
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın punishment 6:157
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 7:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın (of) torment, 7:141
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın [the] punishment. 7:167
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 8:35
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment. 10:54
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 10:70
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment - 10:88
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment - 10:97
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 11:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 11:20
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi işkencenin torment 14:6
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azabın the punishment, 14:44
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu bir azabdır (is) the punishment 15:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 16:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azabın the punishment 16:45
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment, 16:85
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azaplarının punishment 16:88
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 16:113
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azabın the punishment 18:55
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabını the punishment. 18:58
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 19:75
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment 19:79
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabın the punishment 20:48
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 22:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 24:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment, 25:42
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 25:69
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 26:158
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 26:201
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab [the] punishment 27:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment. 28:64
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 29:53
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 29:55
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın the punishment 30:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- the punishment 32:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabdan the punishment 32:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 33:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- punishment 33:68
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab the punishment 34:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab the punishment 34:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment. 34:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın the punishment 34:38
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabda the punishment 37:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment 37:38
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab (of) the punishment? 39:19
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabdan punishment 39:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 39:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- (of) the punishment 39:47
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab "the punishment;" 39:54
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 39:55
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment, 39:58
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab (of) punishment 39:71
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın punishment, 40:45
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın "punishment.""" 40:46
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı "the punishment.""" 40:49
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab (of) the punishment 41:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 42:44
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabda the punishment 43:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 43:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı "the punishment;" 44:12
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment 44:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- the punishment 44:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 46:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi bir azaba the punishment 50:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabdan the punishment 51:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 57:13
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab (is) the punishment. 68:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabla (with) the punishment 88:24
ع ز ز|AZZالعزةELAZTl-ǐzzetugururu(his) pride8x
ع ز ز|AZZ العزة ELAZT l-ǐzzetu gururu (his) pride 2:206
ع ز ز|AZZ العزة ELAZT l-ǐzzete şeref the honor? 4:139
ع ز ز|AZZ العزة ELAZT l-ǐzzete şeref the honor 4:139
ع ز ز|AZZ العزة ELAZT l-ǐzzete yücelik the honor 10:65
ع ز ز|AZZ العزة ELAZT l-ǐzzete şeref the honor, 35:10
ع ز ز|AZZ العزة ELAZT l-ǐzzetu şeref (is) the Honor 35:10
ع ز ز|AZZ العزة ELAZT l-ǐzzeti kudret ve şeref (of) Honor, 37:180
ع ز ز|AZZ العزة ELAZT l-ǐzzetu üstünlük (is) the honor 63:8
ع ز م|AZMالعزمELAZMl-ǎzmiazim (ve irade)those of determination1x
ع ز م|AZM العزم ELAZM l-ǎzmi azim (ve irade) those of determination 46:35
ع ز ز|AZZالعزيزELAZYZl-ǎzīzuAziz"""O Aziz!"64x
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu Aziz olan the All-Mighty 2:129
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir the All-Mighty, 3:6
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir the All-Mighty, 3:18
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir (kesin galib) (is) the All-Mighty, 3:62
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi daima galib the All-Mighty, 3:126
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu daima üstünsün (are) the All-Mighty, 5:118
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi o üstün (of) the All-Mighty, 6:96
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu mutlak üstündür All-Mighty. 11:66
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi Vezir'in Aziz 12:30
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi Aziz'in (of) Aziz, 12:51
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu vezir Aziz! 12:78
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu vezir """O Aziz!" 12:88
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi Aziz (of) the All-Mighty, 14:1
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir (is) the All-Mighty, 14:4
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir (is) the All-Mighty, 16:60
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündür (is) the All-Mighty, 26:9
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstün olan (is) the All-Mighty, 26:68
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstün olan (is) the All-Mighty, 26:104
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstün olan (is) the All-Mighty, 26:122
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstün olan (is) the All-Mighty, 26:140
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstün olan (is) the All-Mighty, 26:159
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstün olan (is) the All-Mighty, 26:175
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstün olan (is) the All-Mighty, 26:191
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi galib olan the All-Mighty, 26:217
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu güçlü the All-Mighty, 27:9
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir (is) the All-Mighty, 27:78
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu Azizdir the All-Mighty, 29:26
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündür (is) the All-Mighty, 29:42
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu galiptir (is) the All-Mighty, 30:5
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündür (is) the All-Mighty, 30:27
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündür (is) the All-Mighty, 31:9
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu güçlü the All-Mighty, 32:6
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi mutlak galib (of) the All-Mighty, 34:6
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu galib the All-Mighty, 34:27
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündür (is) the All-Mighty, 35:2
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi üstün olanın (of) the All-Mighty, 36:5
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi üstün olanın (of) the All-Mighty, 36:38
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi daima üstün olan the All-Mighty, 38:9
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu daima üstündür the All-Mighty, 38:66
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi aziz the All-Mighty, 39:1
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir (is) the All-Mighty, 39:5
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi aziz (daima galib) the All-Mighty, 40:2
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstün olan (are) the All-Mighty, 40:8
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi aziz olana the All-Mighty, 40:42
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi güçlü olanın (of) the All-Mighty, 41:12
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu aziz the All-Mighty, 42:3
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu galiptir the All-Mighty. 42:19
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu çok üstün olan the All-Mighty, 43:9
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündür (is) the All-Mighty, 44:42
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündün the mighty, 44:49
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi üstün the All-Mighty, 45:2
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir (is) the All-Mighty, 45:37
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi aziz the All-Mighty, 46:2
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir (is) the All-Mighty, 57:1
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündür (is) the All-Mighty, 59:1
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu Azîz'dir (üstün galib) the All-Mighty, 59:23
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu Azîz'dir (mutlak galip) (is) the All-Mighty, 59:24
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu yegane galib (are) the All-Mighty, 60:5
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündür (is) the All-Mighty, 61:1
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi aziz the All-Mighty, 62:1
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir (is) the All-Mighty, 62:3
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu azizdir the All-Mighty, 64:18
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzu üstündür (is) the All-Mighty, 67:2
ع ز ز|AZZ العزيز ELAZYZ l-ǎzīzi aziz the All-Mighty, 85:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BالمعذبينELMAZ̃BYNl-muǎƶƶebīneazabedilenler-those punished.1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B المعذبين ELMAZ̃BYN l-muǎƶƶebīne azabedilenler- those punished. 26:213
ع ذ ر|AZ̃RالمعذرونELMAZ̃RVNl-muǎƶƶirūneözür bahane edenthe ones who make excuses1x
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R المعذرون ELMAZ̃RVN l-muǎƶƶirūne özür bahane eden the ones who make excuses 9:90
م ع ز|MAZالمعزELMAZl-meǎ'zikeçi-the goats1x
م ع ز|MAZ المعز ELMAZ l-meǎ'zi keçi- the goats 6:143
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BبالعذابBELAZ̃EBbil-ǎƶābiazab ilethe punishment.6x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment. 22:47
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azab ile with the punishment, 23:64
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azab ile with the punishment 23:76
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azabı [with] the punishment. 29:53
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment. 29:54
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azab(lar) ile with the punishment 43:48
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BبعذابBAZ̃EBbiǎƶābinazabı(of) a punishment13x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 3:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab ile with a punishment 7:165
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab a punishment 8:32
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 9:3
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 9:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab with a punishment 9:52
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab ile with a punishment. 20:61
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab ile with a punishment 20:134
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābi azabını (the) punishment 29:29
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 31:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab ile (of) a punishment 45:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin azabı about a punishment 70:1
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 84:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BبعذابكمBAZ̃EBKMbiǎƶābikumsize azabetmeyiby punishing you1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذابكم BAZ̃EBKM biǎƶābikum size azabetmeyi by punishing you 4:147
ع ز ز|AZZبعزةBAZTbiǐzzetişerefine"""By the might"1x
ع ز ز|AZZ بعزة BAZT biǐzzeti şerefine """By the might" 26:44
ع ز ز|AZZبعزيزBAZYZbiǎzīzinaziz"mighty."""4x
ع ز ز|AZZ بعزيز BAZYZ biǎzīzin bir üstünlüğün "mighty.""" 11:91
ع ز ز|AZZ بعزيز BAZYZ biǎzīzin güç great. 14:20
ع ز ز|AZZ بعزيز BAZYZ biǎzīzin zorlu difficult. 35:17
ع ز ز|AZZ بعزيز BAZYZ biǎzīzin aziz All-Mighty, 39:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BبمعذبينBMAZ̃BYNbimuǎƶƶebīneazaba uğratılacak"(are) the ones to be punished."""3x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بمعذبين BMAZ̃BYN bimuǎƶƶebīne azaba uğratılacak "(are) the ones to be punished.""" 26:138
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بمعذبين BMAZ̃BYN bimuǎƶƶebīne azaba uğratılacak "will be punished.""" 34:35
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بمعذبين BMAZ̃BYN bimuǎƶƶebīne azaba uğratılcak "will be punished?""" 37:59
ع ذ ر|AZ̃RتعتذرواTATZ̃RVEteǎ'teƶirūhiç özür dilemeyin"make excuse;"3x
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R تعتذروا TATZ̃RVE teǎ'teƶirū hiç özür dilemeyin "make excuse;" 9:66
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R تعتذروا TATZ̃RVE teǎ'teƶirū özür dilemeyin make excuse, 9:94
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R تعتذروا TATZ̃RVE teǎ'teƶirū özür dilemeyin make excuses 66:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BتعذبTAZ̃Btuǎƶƶibeazâb edersinyou punish1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B تعذب TAZ̃B tuǎƶƶibe azâb edersin you punish 18:86
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BتعذبهمTAZ̃BHMtuǎƶƶibhumonlara azab etmetorment them.2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B تعذبهم TAZ̃BHM tuǎƶƶibhum onlara azabedersen You punish them, 5:118
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B تعذبهم TAZ̃BHM tuǎƶƶibhum onlara azab etme torment them. 20:47
ع ز م|AZMتعزمواTAZMVEteǎ'zimūve kalkışmayınresolve (on)1x
ع ز م|AZM تعزموا TAZMVE teǎ'zimū ve kalkışmayın resolve (on) 2:235
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BسنعذبهمSNAZ̃BHMsenuǎƶƶibuhumonlara azabedeceğizWe will punish them1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B سنعذبهم SNAZ̃BHM senuǎƶƶibuhum onlara azabedeceğiz We will punish them 9:101
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابAZ̃EBǎƶābunazab(from the) punishment150x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab vardır (is) a punishment 2:90
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:104
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azap (is) a punishment 2:114
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabına (the) punishment 2:126
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:174
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:178
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from the) punishment 2:201
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:4
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from) punishment 3:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:77
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:91
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:105
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:176
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:177
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:178
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 3:181
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is a) punishment 3:188
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from the) punishment 3:191
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 4:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabına karşılık (the) punishment 5:36
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:36
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:41
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 5:73
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:94
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından punishment 6:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı punishment 6:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı punishment 6:47
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabıyla (with) punishment, 6:93
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabın(ın inmesin)den punishment 7:59
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 7:73
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (is the) punishment 8:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 8:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 8:68
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 9:61
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 9:68
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 9:79
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 9:90
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azaba a punishment 9:101
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 10:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı punishment 10:52
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 10:98
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 11:3
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 11:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azabın a punishment 11:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azabın a punishment 11:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azap a punishment 11:48
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azaptan a punishment 11:58
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azap a punishment 11:64
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azap a punishment 11:76
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından punishment 11:84
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azabın a punishment 11:93
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 11:103
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azaptan a punishment 12:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabından punishment 12:107
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azab (is) a punishment 13:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azabdan the punishment 14:2
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 14:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 14:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 14:22
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:63
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:94
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:104
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:106
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:117
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 17:57
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 19:45
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 21:46
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 22:2
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabına (the) punishment 22:4
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 22:9
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 22:22
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azab- a punishment 22:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (the) punishment 22:55
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (will be) a punishment 22:57
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azab of a punishment 23:77
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (vardır) (is) a punishment 24:11
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 24:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 24:19
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 24:23
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azabın a punishment 24:63
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını the punishment 25:65
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 26:135
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (the) punishment 26:156
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (the) punishment 26:189
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 26:189
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 29:23
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 31:6
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabına (the) punishment 31:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azaba a punishment 31:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 32:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 32:20
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 34:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı (the) punishment 34:12
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 34:42
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azabın a punishment 34:46
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (will be) a punishment 35:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 35:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 36:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 37:9
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabımı My punishment. 38:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 38:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 39:13
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azab a punishment 39:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azab a punishment 39:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 40:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 41:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab- a punishment 41:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 42:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is a) punishment 42:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (will be) a punishment 42:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 42:42
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azab a punishment 42:45
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 43:65
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabında (the) punishment 43:74
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azabdır (will be) a punishment 44:11
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 44:48
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from the) punishment 44:56
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 45:9
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 45:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 45:11
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe bir azab ile (with) a punishment 46:20
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabına uğramanızdan a punishment 46:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azab (is) a punishment 46:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab- a punishment 46:31
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 52:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from the) punishment 52:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabdan (from the) punishment 52:27
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 54:38
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 57:20
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 58:4
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 58:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 58:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (is) a punishment 59:3
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 59:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab- a punishment 61:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 64:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı punishment 67:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (is the) punishment 67:6
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab- a punishment 67:28
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 70:11
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 70:27
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabına (the) punishment 70:28
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 71:1
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (is the) punishment 85:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (is the) punishment 85:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab (of) punishment. 89:13
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذاباAZ̃EBEǎƶāben-azabı(in) punishment38x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azapla (with) a punishment 3:56
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:93
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben -azabı a punishment 4:102
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azabın (is) a punishment 4:138
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:151
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:161
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 4:173
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 5:115
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab punishment 6:65
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azab punishment, 7:38
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 7:164
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a painful punishment, 9:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 9:74
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azabı (in) punishment 16:88
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 17:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azap ile with a punishment 17:58
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 18:87
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azabı (in) punishment 20:71
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 25:19
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 25:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 27:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 33:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 33:57
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azabını a punishment 38:61
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 41:27
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 48:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azaba (with) a punishment 48:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azabla (with) a punishment 48:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab (is) a punishment 52:47
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 58:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azabla a punishment 65:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 65:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azaba a punishment 72:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 76:31
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azabdan (in) punishment. 78:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab ile (of) a punishment 78:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابهAZ̃EBHǎƶābuhuazabından(as) His punishment3x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابه AZ̃EBH ǎƶābuhu O'nun azabı His punishment 10:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابه AZ̃EBH ǎƶābehu azabından His punishment. 17:57
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابه AZ̃EBH ǎƶābehu O'nun yapacağı azabı (as) His punishment 89:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابهاAZ̃EBHEǎƶābehāonun azabıits punishment2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابها AZ̃EBHE ǎƶābehā onun azabı its punishment 25:65
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابها AZ̃EBHE ǎƶābihā onun azabı its torment. 35:36
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابهماAZ̃EBHMEǎƶābehumāonlara yapılan azabatheir punishment1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابهما AZ̃EBHME ǎƶābehumā onlara yapılan azaba their punishment 24:2
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابيAZ̃EBYǎƶābīazabım"""My punishment -"9x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabıma """My punishment -" 7:156
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabım My punishment 14:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī benim azabım My punishment, 15:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī benim azabım My punishment 54:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabım My punishment 54:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī benim azabım My punishment 54:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabım My punishment 54:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabımı My punishment 54:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabımı My punishment 54:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذبAZ̃Bǎƶbuntatlı(is) fresh,2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذب AZ̃B ǎƶbun tatlı palatable 25:53
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذب AZ̃B ǎƶbun tatlıdır (is) fresh, 35:12
ع ذ ر|AZ̃RعذراAZ̃REǔƶranbir özür"an excuse."""2x
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R عذرا AZ̃RE ǔƶran bir özür "an excuse.""" 18:76
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R عذرا AZ̃RE ǔƶran özür (As) justification 77:6
ع ز ز|AZZعزاAZEǐzzenitibaran honor.1x
ع ز ز|AZZ عزا AZE ǐzzen itibar an honor. 19:81
ع ز ز|AZZعزةAZTǐzzetinbir gururself-glory1x
ع ز ز|AZZ عزة AZT ǐzzetin bir gurur self-glory 38:2
ع ز ل|AZLعزلتAZLTǎzelteayrıldıklarındanyou (had) set aside -1x
ع ز ل|AZL عزلت AZLT ǎzelte ayrıldıklarından you (had) set aside - 33:51
ع ز م|AZMعزمAZMǎzmiazmedildiği(is) determined4x
ع ز م|AZM عزم AZM ǎzmi yapmağa değer the matters 3:186
ع ز م|AZM عزم AZM ǎzmi yapılması gereken the matters requiring determination. 31:17
ع ز م|AZM عزم AZM ǎzmi çok önemli matters of determination. 42:43
ع ز م|AZM عزم AZM ǎzeme azmedildiği (is) determined 47:21
ع ز م|AZMعزماAZMEǎzmenbir azimdetermination.1x
ع ز م|AZM عزما AZME ǎzmen bir azim determination. 20:115
ع ز م|AZMعزمتAZMTǎzemtekarar verdiğinyou have decided,1x
ع ز م|AZM عزمت AZMT ǎzemte karar verdiğin you have decided, 3:159
ع ز م|AZMعزمواAZMVEǎzemūkesin karar verirlersethey resolve1x
ع ز م|AZM عزموا AZMVE ǎzemū kesin karar verirlerse they resolve 2:227
ع ز ز|AZZعزيزAZYZǎzīzunağır gelen(is) All-Mighty,24x
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 2:209
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 2:220
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun azizdir (is) All-Mighty, 2:228
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 2:240
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstün (is) All-Mighty, 2:260
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 3:4
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 5:38
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima galiptir (is) All-Mighty, 5:95
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstün (is) All-Mighty, 8:10
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima galibtir (is) All-Mighty, 8:49
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 8:63
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstün (is) All-Mighty, 8:67
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 9:40
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 9:71
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun ağır gelen Grievous 9:128
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 14:47
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun galibdir All-Mighty. 22:40
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun üstündür All-Mighty. 22:74
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 31:27
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür (is) All-Mighty, 35:28
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun aziz mighty. 41:41
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzin aziz olanın (of) All-Mighty, 54:42
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun daima üstündür All-Mighty. 57:25
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيز AZYZ ǎzīzun galiptir All-Mighty. 58:21
ع ز ز|AZZعزيزاAZYZEǎzīzenazizdir(is) All-Mighty,7x
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيزا AZYZE ǎzīzen daima üstündür All-Mighty, 4:56
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيزا AZYZE ǎzīzen daima üstündür All-Mighty, 4:158
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيزا AZYZE ǎzīzen üstündür All-Mighty, 4:165
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيزا AZYZE ǎzīzen üstündür All-Mighty. 33:25
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيزا AZYZE ǎzīzen şanlı mighty. 48:3
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيزا AZYZE ǎzīzen azizdir (is) All-Mighty, 48:7
ع ز ز|AZZ عزيزا AZYZE ǎzīzen üstündür All-Mighty, 48:19
ع ز و|AZVعزينAZYNǐzīneayrı ayrı gruplar halinde(in) separate groups?1x
ع ز و|AZV عزين AZYN ǐzīne ayrı ayrı gruplar halinde (in) separate groups? 70:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BفأعذبهمFÊAZ̃BHMfeuǎƶƶibuhumonlara azabedeceğimthen I will punish them1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B فأعذبهم FÊAZ̃BHM feuǎƶƶibuhum onlara azabedeceğim then I will punish them 3:56
ع ز ل|AZLفاعتزلواFEATZLVEfeǎ'tezilūçekilinso keep away (from)1x
ع ز ل|AZL فاعتزلوا FEATZLVE feǎ'tezilū çekilin so keep away (from) 2:222
ع ز ل|AZLفاعتزلونFEATZLVNfeǎ'tezilūnibenden uzaklaşın"then leave me alone."""1x
ع ز ل|AZL فاعتزلون FEATZLVN feǎ'tezilūni benden uzaklaşın "then leave me alone.""" 44:21
ع ز ز|AZZفبعزتكFBAZTKfebiǐzzetikesenin izzetine and olsun ki"""Then by Your might"1x
ع ز ز|AZZ فبعزتك FBAZTK febiǐzzetike senin izzetine and olsun ki """Then by Your might" 38:82
ع ز ز|AZZفعززناFAZZNEfeǎzzeznābiz de destekledikso We strengthened them1x
ع ز ز|AZZ فعززنا FAZZNE feǎzzeznā biz de destekledik so We strengthened them 36:14
ع ذ ر|AZ̃RفيعتذرونFYATZ̃RVNfeyeǎ'teƶirūneözür dilesinlerto make excuses.1x
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R فيعتذرون FYATZ̃RVN feyeǎ'teƶirūne özür dilesinler to make excuses. 77:36
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BفيعذبهFYAZ̃BHfe yuǎƶƶibuhuO da ona azab edecektirand He will punish him2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B فيعذبه FYAZ̃BH fe yuǎƶƶibuhu O da ona azab edecektir and He will punish him 18:87
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B فيعذبه FYAZ̃BH feyuǎƶƶibuhu ona azab eder Then will punish him 88:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BفيعذبهمFYAZ̃BHMfeyuǎƶƶibuhumazabedecektirthen He will punish them1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B فيعذبهم FYAZ̃BHM feyuǎƶƶibuhum azabedecektir then He will punish them 4:173
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BكعذابKAZ̃EBkeǎƶābiazabı gibias (the) punishment1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B كعذاب KAZ̃EB keǎƶābi azabı gibi as (the) punishment 29:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BلأعذبنهLÊAZ̃BNHleuǎƶƶibennehuona azabedeceğimI will surely punish him1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B لأعذبنه LÊAZ̃BNH leuǎƶƶibennehu ona azabedeceğim I will surely punish him 27:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BلعذبناLAZ̃BNEleǎƶƶebnāelbette azab ederdiksurely, We would have punished1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B لعذبنا LAZ̃BNE leǎƶƶebnā elbette azab ederdik surely, We would have punished 48:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BلعذبهمLAZ̃BHMleǎƶƶebehummutlaka onlara azabederdicertainly He (would) have punished them1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B لعذبهم LAZ̃BHM leǎƶƶebehum mutlaka onlara azabederdi certainly He (would) have punished them 59:3
ع ز ل|AZLلمعزولونLMAZVLVNlemeǎ'zūlūneuzaklaştırılmışlardır(are) surely banished.1x
ع ز ل|AZL لمعزولون LMAZVLVN lemeǎ'zūlūne uzaklaştırılmışlardır (are) surely banished. 26:212
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BليعذبLYAZ̃Bliyuǎƶƶibeazab etsin diyeSo that Allah may punish1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ليعذب LYAZ̃B liyuǎƶƶibe azab etsin diye So that Allah may punish 33:73
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BليعذبهمLYAZ̃BHMliyuǎƶƶibehumonlara azab edecekthat He punishes them2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ليعذبهم LYAZ̃BHM liyuǎƶƶibehum onlara azab edecek that He punishes them 8:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ليعذبهم LYAZ̃BHM liyuǎƶƶibehum onlara azabetmeyi to punish them 9:55
ع ذ ر|AZ̃RمعاذيرهMAEZ̃YRHmeǎāƶīrahuözürlerhis excuses.1x
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R معاذيره MAEZ̃YRH meǎāƶīrahu özürler his excuses. 75:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BمعذبهمMAZ̃BHMmuǎƶƶibuhumazabedeceğipunish them2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B معذبهم MAZ̃BHM muǎƶƶibuhum azabedeceği punish them 7:164
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B معذبهم MAZ̃BHM muǎƶƶibehum onlara azab edecek the One Who punishes them 8:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BمعذبوهاMAZ̃BVHEmuǎƶƶibūhāona azab ederizpunish it1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B معذبوها MAZ̃BVHE muǎƶƶibūhā ona azab ederiz punish it 17:58
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BمعذبينMAZ̃BYNmuǎƶƶibīnebiz azab edecekare to punish1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B معذبين MAZ̃BYN muǎƶƶibīne biz azab edecek are to punish 17:15
ع ذ ر|AZ̃RمعذرةMAZ̃RTmeǎ'ƶiratenma'zeret için"""To be absolved"1x
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R معذرة MAZ̃RT meǎ'ƶiraten ma'zeret için """To be absolved" 7:164
ع ذ ر|AZ̃RمعذرتهمMAZ̃RTHMmeǎ'ƶiratuhumma'zeretleritheir excuse,2x
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R معذرتهم MAZ̃RTHM meǎ'ƶiratuhum mazeretleri their excuses 30:57
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R معذرتهم MAZ̃RTHM meǎ'ƶiratuhum ma'zeretleri their excuse, 40:52
ع ز ل|AZLمعزلMAZLmeǎ'zilinbir kenardaapart,1x
ع ز ل|AZL معزل MAZL meǎ'zilin bir kenarda apart, 11:42
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BنعذبNAZ̃Bnuǎƶƶibazab edeceğizWe will punish1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B نعذب NAZ̃B nuǎƶƶib azab edeceğiz We will punish 9:66
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BنعذبهNAZ̃BHnuǎƶƶibuhuona azab edeceğizwe will punish him.1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B نعذبه NAZ̃BH nuǎƶƶibuhu ona azab edeceğiz we will punish him. 18:87
ع ز ل|AZLوأعتزلكمVÊATZLKMve eǎ'tezilukumsizden ayrılıyorumAnd I will leave you1x
ع ز ل|AZL وأعتزلكم VÊATZLKM ve eǎ'tezilukum sizden ayrılıyorum And I will leave you 19:48
ع ز ز|AZZوأعزVÊAZve eǎzzuve güçlüyümand stronger1x
ع ز ز|AZZ وأعز VÊAZ ve eǎzzu ve güçlüyüm and stronger 18:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BوالعذابVELAZ̃EBvel'ǎƶābeve azaband [the] punishment1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B والعذاب VELAZ̃EB vel'ǎƶābe ve azab and [the] punishment 2:175
ع ز ز|AZZوتعزVTAZve tuǐzzuve yükseltirsinand You honor1x
ع ز ز|AZZ وتعز VTAZ ve tuǐzzu ve yükseltirsin and You honor 3:26
ع ز ر|AZRوتعزروهVTAZRVHve tuǎzzirūhuO'nu destekleyesinizand (may) honor him1x
ع ز ر|AZR وتعزروه VTAZRVH ve tuǎzzirūhu O'nu destekleyesiniz and (may) honor him 48:9
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BوعذابVAZ̃EBve ǎƶābunve azab"and suffering."""4x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذاب VAZ̃EB ve ǎƶābun ve bir azab and a punishment 6:70
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذاب VAZ̃EB ve ǎƶābun ve bir azab and a punishment 6:124
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذاب VAZ̃EB ve ǎƶābun ve bir azap and a punishment 10:4
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذاب VAZ̃EB ve ǎƶābin ve azab "and suffering.""" 38:41
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BوعذاباVAZ̃EBEve ǎƶābenve bir azaband a punishment1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذابا VAZ̃EBE ve ǎƶāben ve bir azab and a punishment 73:13
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BوعذبVAZ̃Bve ǎƶƶebeve azab ettiand He punished1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذب VAZ̃B ve ǎƶƶebe ve azab etti and He punished 9:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BوعذبناهاVAZ̃BNEHEve ǎƶƶebnāhāve ona azabettikand We punished it,1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذبناها VAZ̃BNEHE ve ǎƶƶebnāhā ve ona azabettik and We punished it, 65:8
ع ز ر|AZRوعزرتموهمVAZRTMVHMve ǎzzertumūhumve onlara yardım edersenizand you assist them1x
ع ز ر|AZR وعزرتموهم VAZRTMVHM ve ǎzzertumūhum ve onlara yardım ederseniz and you assist them 5:12
ع ز ر|AZRوعزروهVAZRVHve ǎzzerūhuve O'na saygı gösterenlerand honor him,1x
ع ز ر|AZR وعزروه VAZRVH ve ǎzzerūhu ve O'na saygı gösterenler and honor him, 7:157
ع ز ز|AZZوعزنيVAZNYve ǎzzenīve bana ağır bastıand he overpowered me1x
ع ز ز|AZZ وعزني VAZNY ve ǎzzenī ve bana ağır bastı and he overpowered me 38:23
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BولعذابVLAZ̃EBveleǎƶābuazabı iseand certainly (the) punishment5x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu ve azabı ise and surely the punishment 13:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu ve elbette azabı And surely (the) punishment 20:127
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu azabı ise and certainly (the) punishment 39:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu azabı ise And surely, (the) punishment 41:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu ve azabı ise And surely the punishment 68:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BويعذبVYAZ̃Bve yuǎƶƶibuazabederAnd He (may) punish6x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب VYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibu azabeder and He will punish 2:284
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب VYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibu ve azabeder and punishes 3:129
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب VYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibu ve azabeder and punishes 5:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب VYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibe ve azabetsin and punish 33:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب VYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibe ve azabetsin diye And He (may) punish 48:6
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب VYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibu ve azab eder and punishes 48:14
ع ذ ر|AZ̃RيعتذرونYATZ̃RVNyeǎ'teƶirūneözür dilerlerThey will make excuses1x
ع ذ ر|AZ̃R يعتذرون YATZ̃RVN yeǎ'teƶirūne özür dilerler They will make excuses 9:94
ع ز ل|AZLيعتزلوكمYATZLVKMyeǎ'tezilūkumsizden uzak durmazlarsathey withdraw from you1x
ع ز ل|AZL يعتزلوكم YATZLVKM yeǎ'tezilūkum sizden uzak durmazlarsa they withdraw from you 4:91
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبYAZ̃Byuǎƶƶibuazab edemezHe punishes3x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذب YAZ̃B yuǎƶƶibu azabeder He punishes 5:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذب YAZ̃B yuǎƶƶibu azabeder He punishes 29:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذب YAZ̃B yuǎƶƶibu azab edemez will punish, 89:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبكمYAZ̃BKMyuǎƶƶibukumsize azabeder(does He) punish you4x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبكم YAZ̃BKM yuǎƶƶibukum size azabediyor (does He) punish you 5:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبكم YAZ̃BKM yuǎƶƶibkum size azabeder He will punish you 9:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبكم YAZ̃BKM yuǎƶƶibkum size azabeder He will punish you. 17:54
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبكم YAZ̃BKM yuǎƶƶibkum size azabeder He will punish you 48:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبناYAZ̃BNEyuǎƶƶibunābize azab etmeliAllah punish us1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبنا YAZ̃BNE yuǎƶƶibunā bize azab etmeli Allah punish us 58:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبهYAZ̃BHyuǎƶƶibhuonu azablandırırHe will punish him1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبه YAZ̃BH yuǎƶƶibhu onu azablandırır He will punish him 48:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبهمYAZ̃BHMyuǎƶƶibehumazabetmesin?(should) punish them6x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibehum onlara azab eder punishes them 3:128
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibehumu azabetmesin? (should) punish them 8:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibhumu onlara azabetsin Allah will punish them 9:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibhumu onlara azabedecektir Allah will punish them 9:74
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibehum onlara azabetmeyi punish them 9:85
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibuhum onlara azabeder He will punish them 9:106
ع ز ب|AZBيعزبYAZByeǎ'zubugizliescapes2x
ع ز ب|AZB يعزب YAZB yeǎ'zubu gizli escapes 10:61
ع ز ب|AZB يعزب YAZB yeǎ'zubu gizli kalmaz escapes 34:3

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